Steve Borba

My notes, I hope they help you, feel free to comment/add to them

Month: November 2015

Ubuntu Server

Setup virtual hardware 2 procs 1gb Remove Floppy, turn off logging Enable hot mem/cpu add Set to efi bios Install ubuntu using defaults except Don’t use LVM (that way there is no issue with space on /boot) Install security updates automatically Install openssh additional packages Do this before you install libpam-krb5 to avoid questions on […]

Manual RAID Rebuild

A while ago (2009), we acquired a company that had an Exchange 5.5 server running on a Dell PowerEdge 2200 (I found a copyright date in a manual for it as 1997).  Well a short while after the acquisition (we had not migrated off the server yet), the UPS it was on went bad a […]

First Things First – WordPress

Since this site is to keep my notes on how to setup technology, I should make the first post about WordPress (or should it be Linux?). Setup a LAMP server <Add link to it> MySQL Database Generate Random Password for wordpress user Create Database Create User and add Permission Download WordPress Create Plugin/Update User Configure WordPress (CLI) […]