You have to create the folder it is writing to %userprofile%\Documents\PuttyLogs\&H-&Y&M&D-&T.log
posted by sjborbajr in Technology
You have to create the folder it is writing to %userprofile%\Documents\PuttyLogs\&H-&Y&M&D-&T.log
I needed to update a password for an account I was not interactively logged in as and I do not have administrative access to force change the password, but I do know the old password. There has to be a way to change the password like the ctrl+alt+del and click way! Here is what I […]
Use Docker, so much easier, compose.yaml OLD WAY Install Linux (at this time Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)Install mariadb, guacd and tomcat download tomcat application bundles setup database/driver Create directories and initial settings Configure tomcat Now adding https is a little tricker, use your normal way to get a cert, like certbot and then edit /etc/tomcat9/server.xml and […]
I needed to deploy a bunch of catalysts recently and found out that you can do some of that by using the catalyst as an SCP server! First we need to turn the feature on (well, also need to have the ability to SSH to it also) First thing I am going to do is […]
I was looking at words in english and found a list of words I didn’t know were borrowed from Asian languages. well, some of those should have been obvious, but I didn’t know either the actual definition, or they are just the products that I knew are from that region and didn’t think about the […]
every once in a while I need to get information from active directory, here are some of them: DN of a user in ad: DN of a group: The next one will do it for domain trusts
After never completing the Rubik’s Cube in my youth and I never really tried because it just didn’t feel like fun,. That was until my son asked my to show him how – I think a friend of his could solve it and he wanted to also.So, now I HAD to learn – I want […]
Set IP with Static Set IP with DHCP Grab Licenses, install latest TP/App, and install software This will let you add an IP to a DHCP interface