Just a list of commands I forget and need to find screen /dev/ttyUSB0 [9600-56k baud]ctrl + a, then, :screen /dev/ttyS0 This is to get rid of SNAP – snap is really bad for docker stuff
Steve Borba
My notes, I hope they help you, feel free to comment/add to them
Author: sjborbajr
I have some servers that are writing their backup files into S3, and I wanted to have something that will tier off copies of it to different rentention periods. (I know there are other ways to handle this like tagging, but this is what we decided on). This is how I am doing RDS based […]
There are times one needs to reset the local admin password on a windows server hosted in AWS.If this were host in VMware, I would just mount the drive to a linux helper with chntpw, and we could do that with AWS, but if the guest has EC2Config, then we have another option (it will […]
\Kali>hashcat64.exe –help | find /i “cisco” 500 | md5crypt, MD5 (Unix), Cisco-IOS $1$ (MD5) | Operating Systems 2400 | Cisco-PIX MD5 | Operating Systems 2410 | Cisco-ASA MD5 | Operating Systems 500 | Cisco-IOS $1$ (MD5) | Operating Systems 5700 | Cisco-IOS type 4 (SHA256) | Operating Systems 9200 | Cisco-IOS $8$ (PBKDF2-SHA256) | Operating […]
@Echo off if not exist c:\Temp md C:\Temp echo Disable netbios wmic nicconfig where (TcpIpNetBiosOptions!=Null and TcpIpNetBiosOptions!=2) call setTcpIpNetBios 2 Echo Enable Remote Desktop reg add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server” /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >nul echo Remove Logon Background reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System /t REG_DWORD /v DisableLogonBackgroundImage /d 1 /f >nul reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters /v […]
Here is my script to defrag a SQL database (download): And here is the one for all (download):
Get-NetFirewallRule | ? { $_.Enabled -eq “True” -and $_.Action -eq “Allow” } | Out-GridView -Title “Select Firewall Rules to change to Block” -OutputMode Multiple | Set-NetFirewallRule -Action Block
Wow… it was hard to post this… not sure what is stopping me.. my AV keeps eating the file on my PC too.
I have a linux firewall/router that has a wireless adapter in it, and I wanted to use it for an AP too. The way I did this allowed me to use it as an AP and a client, which may not be the preference for everyone, but I like to know all the options. Here […]
I built a Linux router/firewall with Arch when I found that systemd has it’s own networkd built in. I also wanted to have complete separation of the “management” interface/routing so I could stop using NAT – and found it is in systemd and kernel 4.8+ (using 5.0.6-arch1). Here is how I found worked well: Here […]