Steve Borba

My notes, I hope they help you, feel free to comment/add to them

Category: Technology


Here are a few quick links to other pages: run all bat Old Page I have some credit in Azure and did this testing with it, so I don’t have the option to modify the WIM before installing, so this one will be without modifying until after the install is done. Now I want to […]

WordPress Optimizations

Use google test site I fixed most of it by installing the plugin “Autoptimize” Optimize HTML Code Optimize JavaScript Code Optimize CSS Code Also aggregate inline CSS Inline all CSS Remove emojis Remove query strings from static resources Combine and load (Google) fonts asynchronously with webfont.js Another was to do this: convert puzzle.jpg -sampling-factor 4:2:0 […]


This one will show all of the certificate parts so you can copy/paste to AWS or F5 web UI openssl pkcs12 -in some.pfx -nodes This one will create a new key and csr openssl req -new -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout new.privkey \ -out new.csr -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf \ -subj “/C=US/ST=California/L=Sacramento/O=Netlogix/OU=Marketing/” This one is how I […]

Windows Server Install Amazon

Step 1, Launch instance, Windows 2016 Datacenter, t2.small (I think 2GB is already low for RAM on windows), don’t change instance details, don’t change storage, no tags, setup firewall (I have static IPs, so I allowed all just from those IPs). Step 2, configure windows (get password, TS to server and):   Remove Features you aren’t […]

Let’s Encrypt

Install scripts including one to interact with apache apt install letsencrypt python-letsencrypt-apache I am crazy and want a Must Staple certificate openssl req -new -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes\   -keyout -out\   -reqexts SAN -config <(cat /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf <\   (printf “[SAN]\,\n1.”)) letsencrypt -vv certonly –csr <Add apache config to allow must staple> openssl req -new -sha256 […]

Ubuntu Server

Setup virtual hardware 2 procs 1gb Remove Floppy, turn off logging Enable hot mem/cpu add Set to efi bios Install ubuntu using defaults except Don’t use LVM (that way there is no issue with space on /boot) Install security updates automatically Install openssh additional packages Do this before you install libpam-krb5 to avoid questions on […]

Manual RAID Rebuild

A while ago (2009), we acquired a company that had an Exchange 5.5 server running on a Dell PowerEdge 2200 (I found a copyright date in a manual for it as 1997).  Well a short while after the acquisition (we had not migrated off the server yet), the UPS it was on went bad a […]

First Things First – WordPress

Since this site is to keep my notes on how to setup technology, I should make the first post about WordPress (or should it be Linux?). Setup a LAMP server <Add link to it> MySQL Database Generate Random Password for wordpress user Create Database Create User and add Permission Download WordPress Create Plugin/Update User Configure WordPress (CLI) […]