every once in a while I need to get information from active directory, here are some of them: DN of a user in ad: DN of a group: The next one will do it for domain trusts
Steve Borba
My notes, I hope they help you, feel free to comment/add to them
Category: Powershell
Get-NetFirewallRule | ? { $_.Enabled -eq “True” -and $_.Action -eq “Allow” } | Out-GridView -Title “Select Firewall Rules to change to Block” -OutputMode Multiple | Set-NetFirewallRule -Action Block
Wow… it was hard to post this… not sure what is stopping me.. my AV keeps eating the file on my PC too.
I created my first powershell module, so I am going to put it in my own words so I can create another later if I wanted to. First start making functions and store them by alone in .ps1 files. Create a folder structure with the supporting functions (ones users won’t user) in private and the […]
I was working on some powershell scripts and my son came into the room and asked me if I could get the computer to talk to him, so I had to figure out how to do it: Add-Type -AssemblyName System.speech $speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer ForEach ($Voice in ($speak.GetInstalledVoices() | % {$_.VoiceInfo.Name})) { $speak.SelectVoice($Voice) $speak.Speak(“I am […]
I combined a few scripts and tried to speed them up, originally it took 30-40 minutes, but I got it down to 3-5. The majority of the script came from here. I also took some from Jason for the progress bars, but added the ETA seconds. #Prompt User for VC addresses, if more than one, […]
Here is a script for progress bar and ETA, I grabbed part of it from Jason. $LoopAverage = 0 $Max = 150 $Speed = 50 $i=0 While ($i -lt $Max) { $StartLoopTime = Get-Date $ParentLoopText = (“Working on iteration “+$i++) if (($i+1 -gt 6) -or ($i+1 -gt ($Max * 0.1))) { if ( [Math]::Abs($Delta) -lt […]
Here is a Powershell Script to send a WOL packet (and I’ve had it work over a routed connection, but it depends if the router will broadcast if doesn’t have arp for the IP): function Send-WOL { <# .SYNOPSIS Send a WOL packet to a broadcast address .PARAMETER mac The MAC address of the device […]
I have been trying to wrap my head around where all the routing points are and where the IPs exist in an NSX enviroment, and clicking around in that awful flash gui is so slow! So I came up with this: And then I use this to look at it: $Info | Out-GridView $Info | […]