Steve Borba

My notes, I hope they help you, feel free to comment/add to them

Tag: linux

Palo Alto Config Compare

Sometimes I do a change that causes a lot of config change, especially with re-ordering of the config. This will download config from the device, then you commit and download again, and then SORT! and compare. I usually do this on the stand-by device, and evaluate if I should do on the primary.

Linux Extend Partition

ssh in and run this to scan for the disk changes: Then run fdisk and delete and recreate the partition I found a way I like more with cfdisk “sudo cfdisk /dev/sda” then use the tui to go up and down for the partition, and left/right to go to “resize”, then the default is to […]


Use Docker, so much easier, compose.yaml OLD WAY Install Linux (at this time Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)Install mariadb, guacd and tomcat download tomcat application bundles setup database/driver Create directories and initial settings Configure tomcat Now adding https is a little tricker, use your normal way to get a cert, like certbot and then edit /etc/tomcat9/server.xml and […]

Ubuntu Server

Setup virtual hardware 2 procs 1gb Remove Floppy, turn off logging Enable hot mem/cpu add Set to efi bios Install ubuntu using defaults except Don’t use LVM (that way there is no issue with space on /boot) Install security updates automatically Install openssh additional packages Do this before you install libpam-krb5 to avoid questions on […]